Medical Oncology

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Medical Oncology

What is Medical Oncology?

Medical oncology is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of cancer disease. Medical oncologists create and manage treatment plans for patients diagnosed with cancer. These specialists specialize in cancer types, stages, and treatment options. Medical oncology may include chemotherapy, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, and other cancer treatment methods. Additionally, evaluation of precancerous conditions and genetic predispositions may also be part of medical oncology.

What is Chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is a treatment method used to treat or control cancer disease. It is a treatment with drugs that kill cancer cells or stop their growth. These medications are usually taken intravenously or by mouth.

What is the Purpose of Chemotherapy?

The goal of chemotherapy is to control or treat cancer by killing cancer cells or stopping their growth. While this treatment targets cancer cells, it can also damage healthy cells, so the treatment process often comes with side effects.

How is Chemotherapy Done? How to Apply?

The goal of chemotherapy is to control or treat cancer by killing cancer cells or stopping their growth. While this treatment targets cancer cells, it can also damage healthy cells, so the treatment process often has side effects.

Is Chemotherapy Treatment Applied Other Than Cancer?

Chemotherapy is not only used in cancer treatment. Chemotherapy drugs can also be used to treat some different diseases. For example, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and other conditions that suppress the immune system can be treated with chemotherapy drugs. Additionally, chemotherapy may be used for some blood diseases and bone marrow disorders.

What are the possible side effects of chemotherapy?

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Hair loss
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakened immune system and increased risk of infection
  • Changes in blood counts (such as anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia)
  • Dryness, rashes or sensitivity on the skin
  • Stomach and intestinal problems (diarrhea, constipation)
  • Neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Memory and focus problems
  • Temporary or permanent changes in reproductive ability

How and Where is Chemotherapy Given?

Chemotherapy is usually given at the patient’s treatment center, a hospital, or a clinic. Chemotherapy drugs are given into the patient’s veins, usually intravenously, that is, through an intravenous (IV) line. In some cases, medications can be taken by mouth or applied to the skin. The treatment process may vary depending on the patient’s cancer type, stage, and health condition. Doctors monitor patients closely to ensure optimal chemotherapy treatment.

What is the Duration and Frequency of Chemotherapy?

The duration and frequency of chemotherapy treatment depend on many factors, including the patient’s cancer type, stage, and general health condition. The treatment period can last from a few weeks to several months or longer. Chemotherapy is usually repeated at regular intervals, and these sessions may occur once a week or longer. In some cases, chemotherapy is given in a cycle, meaning a treatment period of several days or weeks followed by a resting period, and then the cycle is repeated. The treatment plan may vary depending on the patient’s response and ability to tolerate it and is evaluated regularly by doctors.

How Long Does a Chemotherapy Session Last?

The duration of chemotherapy sessions may vary depending on the type of drugs used, dose, and treatment protocol. A session can usually last from a few hours to a few days. Some chemotherapy sessions can be completed within a few hours, while others may take longer and patients may need to stay in the hospital for several days. The duration of the chemotherapy session is determined by doctors depending on the details of the treatment process and the patient’s condition.

How Do Chemotherapy Drugs Work?

Chemotherapy drugs work by killing or stopping cancer cells from growing or multiplying. These drugs disrupt the functions of cancer cells by targeting the cells’ genetic material, such as DNA or RNA. However, chemotherapy drugs don’t just target cancer cells; sometimes they can also damage healthy cells because they can affect rapidly dividing cells. Therefore, some common side effects may occur during chemotherapy treatment. The treatment plan is determined depending on the specific type of cancer, the patient’s overall health, and other factors.

Are Other Medications Used During Chemotherapy?

Yes, other medications are often used during chemotherapy. These medications can be used to relieve the side effects of chemotherapy, reduce the risk of infection, or manage other problems in the body. For example, anti-nausea medications can be given before or after chemotherapy sessions, antibiotics may be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection, or medications may be used to regulate blood counts. The treatment plan is individualized according to the patient’s condition and the characteristics of the chemotherapy treatment.

What Should Chemotherapy Patients Pay Attention to?

Doctor’s Instructions: They must strictly follow the instructions given by the doctor during the treatment.

Nutrition: They should pay attention to balanced and healthy eating habits. It is important to get enough protein and calories.

Hygiene: They should pay attention to hygienic practices such as regular hand washing to reduce the risk of infection.

Personal Care: They should use products suitable for sensitive skin and hair care. In case of hair loss, options such as wigs or hats may be considered.

Resting and Exercise: Adequate resting and light exercise can help maintain energy levels.

Side Effects: They should be informed about possible side effects and report any problems or concerns to their doctor.

Support Systems: They should seek help from social support systems such as family, friends, or support groups.

Medication: They should take the medicines recommended by the doctor regularly and avoid using over-the-counter medicines.

Vaccinations: In consultation with their doctor, they should get the necessary vaccinations to strengthen the immune system.

Mental Health: They should consider relaxation techniques or psychological support to reduce stress.


What type of diet should chemotherapy patients follow?

  • Patients receiving chemotherapy should pay attention to a healthy diet. Here are some important nutrition tips:
  • It is important to get enough protein for body repair and strengthening the immune system. They should focus on protein sources such as meat, fish, chicken, eggs, dairy products, pulses, and tofu.
  • Colorful fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and vitamins and provide important nutrients for the body. Fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables can be preferred.
  • Whole grain products are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Whole grain products such as wholemeal bread, brown rice, and oatmeal should be preferred.
  • Healthy fats, especially omega-3 fatty acids, should be taken from foods such as fish, walnuts, and flax seeds. Additionally, vegetable oils such as olive oil are also preferable.
  • The body may become dehydrated during chemotherapy, so it is important to consume enough water. You can also get liquid from juicy fruits and vegetables, soups, and herbal teas.
  • Appetite changes may occur during cancer treatment, so small and frequent meals are preferred.
  • Patients’ nutritional needs are individual, so it is important to determine a nutrition plan and get recommendations from a doctor or dietitian


How Does Chemotherapy Affect Daily Life?

  • Energy Level: Chemotherapy side effects often occur with feelings of fatigue and weakness. This condition can make it difficult to do daily activities and increase the need for rest.
  • Appetite and Nutrition: Chemotherapy can often cause loss of appetite or change the taste of foods. This can make it difficult to eat healthily and also lead to weight loss.
  • Work and School: Some patients may have to take a break from work or school during their chemotherapy process. It may be difficult to maintain daily activities due to side effects.
  • Personal Care: Side effects such as hair loss can have an emotional impact on patients’ appearance and care.
  • Social Life: Chemotherapy can often affect social activities and social relationships. Some patients may feel more isolated during the treatment process or have difficulty participating in social activities.
  • Psychological Effects: Chemotherapy treatment can cause psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and emotional difficulties.
  • Transportation: Frequent trips to the treatment center may be required, which can affect transportation planning and require time and energy for patients and caregivers.
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